Last week the Ovidi Awards 2017 were delivered, in which again the Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny d’Alcoi was the leader, since the graphic designer and former student of the degree in Graphic Design, Soysoft, who has already won this award in 2015, and Magda Arques, teacher of the EASDAlcoi, were awarded in the category of best design because of the disc Pròxima B from the Alcoian group, Júlia. In addition, this group also won the award for the best production and arrangements.
As for the design of the discs, each one is a unique piece that come from a parametric design, made with a software called Processing, that is captured through a plotter making each album a unique work. Pròxima B has two versions, one on compact disc and one on vinyl, this second also has a different design from the CD.
In addition, photos included in the album are made by Jordi Arques, photographer and currently a student of the higher cycle of Advertising Graphics of our school.