Presentació Revista Signe EASDCastelló

EASDCastelló held a presentation of Signe magazine

On Wednesday, March 15th, Signe magazine was presented at the Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de Castelló. In front of a large assistance, firstly, Vicent Almiñana (former student of EASDAlcoi) exposed his research work Original Cruz Novillo. Then, Maria Castelló and Rafa Calbo (coordinators of the magazine and teachers of the EASDAlcoi) and the student Vanessa Jaijo (staff member of the 4th edition) took a tour of the history of the magazine.

In the first speech, made by Rafa Calbo, he explained how the idea was born from a work by Eloy Revert from the subject of editorial design techniques of the old diploma and how it had its continuity in the final project of the same student.

The second intervention corresponded to Maria Castelló who commented the changes in the design and concept of the magazine corresponding to numbers 2 and 3, which gave the publication a greater contemporaneity and graphic dynamism.

Vanessa Jaijo then shared her experiences in participating in the configuration of edition number 4, as the tasks undertaken to make possible its content, design, layout and supervision of the final print.

Finally, she mentionedthe edition that is under work and thanked all those who make possible a project as complex as this can be carried out.

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