Former student Javier Moreno will impart the workshop ‘Claves del diseño en plástico’

The former Product Design student and founder of the Bambú Studio Javier Moreno will impart the workshop ‘Claves del diseño en plástico’ from November 28th until Friday 30th. It is aimed to the 3rd and 4th year form students of Product Design Degree.

This workshop is meant to offer the students enough resources to plan, define and develop a quality product with a high percentage of plastic components, taking into account their characteristics and the time constraints of the work when done in a professional environment. By the end of the workshop the students should be able to distinguish the different types of plastics and their production processes, apart from reflecting their ideas in quick models and sketches.

The workshop will be divided into three sessions: the first one (Wednesday 28th) will consist of a theoretical introduction along with the elaboration of a briefing and a project planning; the second one (Thursday 29th) will focus on product development by drawing up sketches, defining them and selecting the product; the third one (Friday 30th) will consist of the completion of the products and their presentation.

Javier Moreno develops projects at international level (UK, Denmark, Germany, Hong Kong and USA) since 2016, encompassing the whole creative process and adapting to the needs of each customer and product.

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