Francisco J. Fernández Palacios

Light, the most important material in spaces design

Last Thursday, April the 12th, the interior designer Francisco J. Fernández Palacios gave a master class to the interior design students entitled “Observations scattered about light and matter.” In his speech, he established a structure based on how light is filtered primarily in the interior space: laterally, overhead, through facades, patios, openings and latticeworks. In addition, the exhibition established a parallel between artistic works belonging to the field of painting, sculpture, artistic installations, with works of architecture and interior design.

The students were able to discover examples such as Kenzo Tange’s work, in which natural light helps to generate a clear link between interior-exterior. As well as, the atmospheres that Peter Zumthor achieves in his works through a light that enhances matter as worn light. They also learned how light is an element that transforms space and the perception of it, a constant in the work of James Turrell. They also learned about the changing spaces Carlos Ferrater achieves through the light. Lastly, they learned how light filters through lattices, generating energy screens and light gradients present in some works by Jean Nouvel.

Finally, the students could reach the conclusion that light is the most important material in space and is the one that manages to truly generate a magical and transforming effect. Francisco J. Fernández Palacios pointed out that the interior designer can not know everything, but he does have to show curiosity about everything, and this has to bring him to a reflection on what he does and discovers.

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