Omar Giménez, a Graphic student, is the author of the CXXXV the Three Wise Men Parade poste

For Omar Giménez the basis of a good poster is “aside from the aesthetic question, it has to be easy to recognize and communicate directly. At a glance you have to know and understand what it is telling you”. The jury of the the poster contest has agreed with this statement by choosing his proposal as the winner of the more than 60 submitted.

A dreamlike atmosphere, the helpers as an iconic figure of the Three Wise Men Parade and the fireplace as a tribute to the Alcoy industry workers and the most popular character of Christmas, are the elements that make up the Giménez poster. Even so, its intention is to generate a free and open interpretation on the part of either one.

Their referents have been two. The illustrator Karolis Strautniekas on the technical side of the poster. “We can see Strautniekas in the most organic than digital gradient, the impersonalization of the audience silhouettes and the fireplace, graphically, is very typical of him”, explains the 3rd year form Graphic Design student.

Also the illustrator Fran Parreño has inspired him on a more narrative level: “He knows how to give the images a story or script with enough depth to create a magical atmosphere. I wanted my poster to contain this”, he says.

In addition, he claims that his training at EASDAlcoi has provided him with the knowledge and tools necessary to be able to properly work on the ideas he wanted to convey. Aspects such as making a good composition, choosing a suitable typography or knowing how to hierarchy “have been essential”.

The Omar Giménez poster will be shown from November 30th to the facade of the Alcoy City Hall but he has wanted to emphasize that he has won by “a matter of numbers”. He has praised the creations of his fellow finalists, Jorge Calabuig of Advertising Graphics Cycle and Lucia Martínez of Graphic Design: “They have a great quality that could have made them winners perfectly”.

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