Scripta Manent

“Scripta manent”: a content quality meeting and a success of attendance

Last Friday, February 24, the lectures “Scripta Manent” took place in the auditorium of the Escola d’Art i Superior d’Alcoi (EASDAlcoi). The speakers, Daniel Rodríguez, Ana Gea and Víctor Palau focused their presentations on designt, professional and practical aspect of the world of typography applied to communication.

With humor, practical examples and real data, Daniel Rodríguez clearly exposed the phases through which any student of design would have to pass to begin his professional career with guarantees of success.

On the other hand, Ana Gea and Víctor Palau showed the evolution of their visual strategy study PalauGea Comunicación, through the works carried out to customers as important as Fedrigoni, among others.

Scripta Manent

The second part of his exhibition was about the communication platform Gràffica, where they explained the secrets and tricks of a publication, which is a reference in the world of graphic design.

José Luís Martín Montesinos, editor of the latest book by Daniel Rodríguez Manual of digital typography in Campgràfic, could not attend due to a last minute incident. But it is necessary to emphasize that the reception of the publication between the attending public was very good, because the volume of sales of the publication was quite high.

The day ended up with a feeling of total satisfaction according everyone’s opinion who took part on the talks.

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