‘Disseny de merda’ is the leitmotif of the last edition of Signe that was presented this morning in auditorium of the EASDAlcoi. The same cover is already a statement of intents with phrases like ‘Excuse me, I can’t pay you but you’ll get a lot of visualization’ ‘Come on! That it only takes you a minute to do’ or ‘I know someone who can do it for half the price’.
They are affirmations “that are repeated in the professional world and society in general and show the ignorance that comes with all the work that involves the elaboration of a good design and the negative prejudices that there”, explains Alex Llopis, one of the students participanting in the project.
REVISTA SIGNE Nº6 ‘DISSENY DE MERDA’ from easdalcoi on Vimeo.
This edition becomes a direct response to these ideas, contrasting them with high quality content and very careful visual compositions that give the design the value it deserves. The magazine is the message and the conclusion. This number has introduced formatting changes. It has been greatened from the previous ones, bringing it closer to a standard editorial publication. What has continued is the goal of Signe being a window to see everything that happens at the School and its specialties.
There are 170 pages of interviews with frontline design professionals, reports on conferences, workshops and conferences that have been held and articles of the students and professors jobs and projects, among many other content.
The 4th course of Graphic Design students who have been a part in the creation, have highlighted the freedom they have had during the process. Also, the importance of experimentation and learning to work as a team to carry out a real work adjusted to a few concrete demands. The EASDAlcoi Reproduction Processes Workshop has edited a total of 300 copies that anyone who wants can purchase for 3 euros.
Professors Rafa Calbo and Maria Castelló are the coordinators of the subject of the magazine and Sergio Mendoza, Hande Nur, Alex Llopis, Nicolás Vela, María Genís, Raquel Martí, María Albinyana, Sandra Pérez, Irene Vicente, Francis Cremades, Josep Ferri, Arantxa Pastor, Laura Beltrán, Alexis Fernández, Rosa Moltó and Laura Ferrándiz, the students who have made this number possible.