On November 2nd, the Textile Illustration Degree organised a workshop called Introduction to Body Paint. It was lead by Lorena Bonell Jordá, who was trained in the prestigious Stick Art Studio of Barcelona and specialised in aesthetics and Body Paint.
This workshop was organized expressly for the 2nd and 3rd year form students who study Projects.The purpose of this activity was to make a basic introduction to the techniques and processes used in body painting, taking into account it is a three-dimensional and volumetric work.
After explaining some theoretical contents, Lorena Bonell taught the students different guidelines to make a body painting according to the expressiveness and effects that are going to be enhanced; the body already marks volumes that should be known before starting to depict the final idea in order to make a proper modelling.
Relevant aspects such as learning how to fill large surfaces effectively, to illuminate areas considering their volumes or to enhance the shadows in less highlighted areas were all learnt and applied by the students to their final products.
To make a demonstration, Lorena Bonell initially worked on her test dummy. Later on, she taught the technique applying it on the student Guiomar Lopez, who became a model and served as a reference for her creative design, always highlighting her facial features.