
The creative process of Gumball by Tonet Durà, background artist in this series

Next Wednesday, February 22, Tonet Durà, background artist in Gumball, will visit the Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny d’Alcoi (EASDAlcoi) to hold the conference “The work process at Gumball” where he will explain from scratch the whole creative work in this animated series from Cartoon Network.

The presentation will be at 10:30 in the auditorium of the EASDAlcoi where Durà, who has worked in graphic design, illustrator and as a concept artist, will detail the creative process of this series of animation that mixes 2D animation, 3D or photography.

Tonet Durà, from Gandia, studied fine arts in València, then moved to the United States where he worked in the world of graphic design. He is currently working on the well-known Gumball animation series in London as background artist.

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