The EASDAlcoi library extends its schedule in the evenings

From this 2019-2020 academic year, the School library opens uninterrupted from 8.15 am until 6.30 pm to also serve Trainning Cycles students of Photography, PDO and Styling of Clothing that take classes in the afternoons.

From this Monday, September 23th, the library will be open for three hours longer than its usual hours, which ended at 3.30pm. Students, former students and teachers will be able to make use of this space of afternoons as well.

There are more than 6000 books ordered according to the specialties taught and 1700 magazines focused mainly on design. The fund is expanding course after course with proposals from teachers and students which are incorporated if they are considered according to the needs of the center.

One of the most growing theme in terms of number of materials has been Photography. This has happened because in the beginning it was a cross-cutting subject and now is a specialty that already needs more concrete and powerful own content. The same thing happened with Animation a few courses ago.

All those who are interested can consult the titles in the library or use the loan service. A  week for the students and two for the teachers. In addition, there are also computers open to school users and the possibility to use the scanner.

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